FOSB Events

Friday, October 03, 2014

Daily View

Projecting Future Scenarios for Fidalgo Bay (All day)

Projecting Future Scenarios for Fidalgo Bay - Modeling Water Circulation and Coastal Changes

Dr. Eric Grossman, Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey

“Dr. Grossman will discuss how the US Geological Survey is using powerful 3D computer modeling to examine coastal processes and inform ecosystem restoration and hazard mitigation in the Salish Sea.  How might climate change, sea level rise and land use influence coastal communities, ecosystem restoration outcomes, and Fidalgo Bay? Learn how USGS is constructing a 3D hydrodynamic model of Fidalgo Bay as part of a larger Salish Sea model to study these questions. Citizen science can help USGS and its partners improve these models through research and monitoring – find out how you can get involved as a volunteer!”




Making a documentary: the story behind the camera (Fri. 3 Oct, 2014 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm)

A "Film"raiser for Friends of Skagit Beaches

Join Friends of Skagit Beaches for a Meet the Filmmakers social hour with appetizers followed by illuminating presentations from environmental multi-media journalists Michael Werner and Katie Campbell. Michael and Katie will share video clips and their experiences from behind the camera including bloopers and wild happenings that take place when making a documentary film.

Michael Werner is an award-winning independent filmmaker, photographer and writer. His work has been featured in/by: The PBS NewsHour, HBO Films, The Associated Press, Earthfix, Oregon Field Guide, KCTS-9 Seattle, Voice of America TV, The World Channel, the U.S. Olympic Committee and the Cannes International Film Festival.

Katie Campbell is a multimedia journalist at KCTS 9, the public television station in Seattle. Her journalism experience runs the gamut from newspaper writing and editing to photojournalism, documentary filmmaking and multimedia projects.

Tickets are $25/per person: REGISTER ONLINE or purchase paper tickets at BayShore Office Supplies (M - F) or Penguin Coffee Company in Anacortes.