Friends of Skagit Beaches is one of the funding partners that provides needed financial support for Coastal Volunteer Partnership at Padilla Bay. Over the past two years (2015 & 2016) we provided $12,000 to support the program that has primarily gone toward funding for our talented Volunteer Coordinator, Samantha Russell, who has done an outstanding job getting this fairly new program off and running. We need to up the ante and increase our annual donations to this excellent and expanding program.
In 2017, Friends has a unique opportunity to double our funding to the Coastal Volunteer Partnership at Padilla Bay (CVP) this year. One of our members has offered to provide up to $5,000 to match donations we receive to support the CVP program with $1 for every $1 donated.This would enable us to increase our funding for this program to $10,000 this year. To date, we have received $2,967 towards of goal of raising $5,000, which will become $10,000 for CVP with the match from the grant sponsor. With donations to date, we have received half of the matching grant and are delivering a $5,000 payment to the Padilla Bay Foundation for our 2017 contract to support CVP. We plan to deliver the second $5,000 payment by June 30th assuming we can raise the rest of the donations needed to get the full grant match.
Please help us reach the goal! Friends is a 501c3 nonprofit and all donations are tax deductible. Here's how to donate (be sure to include a note/memo designating your gift to CVP Matching Grant):
You don’t need a PayPal account to use this online donation feature. Friends is a registered nonprofit with the Paypal Giving Fund, which means they cover the fees, so 100% of your donation comes to us!
CVP volunteers have logged over 10,000 hours of volunteer service to our community and natural environment. CVP has 35 new volunteers this year who have signed up to train as Salish Sea Stewards expanding our base of talented and dedicated volunteers to over 100. As the volunteer base grows, so do the demands on the program to continue offering service to and opportunities in our local community. These funds will make a difference in helping to sustain and grow the volunteer program and increase its impact in Skagit County.
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